2013年12月27日 星期五

Sun Rise, Sun set

Is this the little boy I carried,  Is this the little boy at play (all by himself)?
Wasn't it yesterday when he was small?
Sun rise, sun set     Sun rise, sun set    Swiftly flies the years

I got a PPT of this old song days ago
I have deleted the other emails, but this one surely triggered my memory

What a rich (in mercy and grace) journey it is-- the past one and a half decade
I have become a wife (a lousy one, for sure) and a mom (a striving and struggling one, should be)

Being a wife
According to the principles of the Bible, I have never been married, for I have not left my biological parents.
I met my husband when I first graduated from the university in Taipei.
And for the next 6 more years was the closest physical distance between us.
Then I went to the States and when I returned to Taiwan, I returned home to live with my parents in Tainan.
I visited him in Taipei occasionally
When we got married, I remained to live and work in Tainan
John was born in Taipei (in Taiwan Univ. Hospital as his Dad appointed and requested)
But after the maternity leave was going to be over, I brought him down to Tainan
Then we started the journey between 2 cities almost every weekend
When John started to have the intervention program at 關渡 at the age of 4, I remained in Tainan
The journey between 2 cities was done by me only.
After 2 years of intervention, John came down to Tainan to enter the elementary school
The journey between 2 cities was carried again by the two of us, Mom and son.

In 1999, when John was born, his Dad was 56 years old
Now it's 2013, John turns 14 and his Dad is 70.

標籤: , ,

Thank you, 仁德文賢--As John is going to graduate from junior high

猶記得是林瀚國小4,5年級時  我就報名參加了ㄧ場在復興國中舉行的國小轉銜到國中的特教研習,負責的老師知道我的孩子還要2~3年才要唸國中,他覺得我未免參加得太早了!  我知道我也像自閉的孩子,需要預告,需要對未知先有預備    但隨著他逐年的成長,語言和認知逐漸與同齡的同儕拉近,情緒管控和人際技能的大罩門雖仍遠遠落後,但,我越來越放鬆,尤其是,很安心的知道他在一個溫暖的校園裡


進入國中的那個暑假  林瀚就惹了不少事  讓校長和老師們居間細心處理  又承蒙王主任主動提議讓他的兒子景允成為林瀚的學習夥伴,教師節&母親節我和我母親都蒙邀參加您們的奉茶活動   校長是林瀚的茶侶呢 
新的校長上任,還邀請林瀚參加學校教職員的陶藝研習  關心認識這小子

3年後,我們再面臨他的下一個學習的落腳處,輔導室郭老師三番兩次跟我聯繫處理他的事   讓我有  時間飛逝的喟嘆
離開的時候將到  在仁德文賢的6個學期已經走到第5學期的末了
我真的想讓各位知道  我們一家人何等感激您們用心的陪我們走這一段路

我深深感謝這個學校  您們給了我們3年的安心  這在特殊孩子的家庭是個極大的祝福 

去年秋天  我訂購一批書致贈貴校新開幕的圖書館  
除此之外  我未能對貴校表達我心深處的謝忱
僅在此  透過此函  跟各位致上  深深的感謝

僅盼望  林瀚這個小子  有一日能奮發自強  發揮上帝給他的gift (這週末我看著他的職涯性向測驗結果  空間ㄧ項他呈現的PR值是99  我很驚奇)
有一日  願他能讓這個溫暖的學校以他為榮  

謝謝您們在教育現場上展現的大愛   讓這個有點障礙的孩子  無大礙的度過5個學期   



2013年12月20日 星期五

Two Cities

For the past 3 decades, I have been living in and traveling between 2 cities--Taipei and Tainan.

I was born and raised up and  is now living and working in Tainan.
Taipei is the city where I attended  the university and had my first job for 7 years and gave birth to my only child and where my husband has been living.

For the past 2 decades, I have lived and worked in Tainan and stayed at Taipei for the weekends.  I travel a lot between these 2 cities.  I had driven for some years, and I have taken planes, HSR, trains and buses.  First, I traveled alone, then traveled with my son, and now alone again.


2013年12月16日 星期一

Pray for my mom, will you

Being a teenager, John, my son sometimes called me 宗教沉迷者

However, when he heard in Tainan that his mom, in Taipei, had a bad stomachache.  He did not know what to do, but to ask the pastor to pray for Mom.

On December 7, I went to Taipei.  Probably out of the food I took in, I started to have an upset stomach.  The next day was Sunday, and I still felt awful.  So I rested in bed, not going to church.  John called me while I was taking a nap.  I told him that I did not feel well and was taking a rest.  And I hang up the phone.
Later, I took the bus to come down to Tainan.  After I hang up, some time later he called his Dad and showed great care and concern about me.  He told him that your mom was suffering from stomachache.  Later, Pastor Chen came to park his scooter, and John rushed over to beg the pastor to "pray for my mom, will you?  She is suffering from stomachache."

On the next day, when Pastor came to pick up his scooter, he asked John "is your mom feeling better now"
and in the next couple of days, when grandma attending the senior fellowship, Pastor asked her the same thing.

As this boy grew up, the lullaby I sang to him is "十字架"  and I brought him to church when he was big enough and could behave himself a little (when he was about 3, with very little language and strong dislike of anybody to touch him, he once slapped a pastor's wife when she tried to approach him. )

He is used to Mom's praying whenever I don't know what to do.  The spirit of praying has been into his life.
I believe this is more than good enough for a 宗教沉迷者mom to be at rest.

Thank you, Lord.
May you lead him on, through the valleys and hills of his life.
Be his shepherd, potter, farmer and God.




He's far from academic.  He has been putting up with school life for more than a decade.  When he first knew that he is 第一屆的12年國教生,he burst into tears.  "Isn't 9 years' nightmare school life long enough?" he complained, "Why do they make it 3 more years longer?"

In the winter break of early 2013, I was sitting in front of the computer, surfing the internet and wondering which school would be good for this young teenager to go?  Tainan Commercial School first came up to my mind.  They have the department of advertisement and design.  However, when I surfed their website, I saw the 跑馬燈message goes like this--本校學科要求嚴格  It's very true--they're one of the best vocational schools in Tainan area.  They have the best students, for sure.  And I imagine John surrounded by the most out-standing classmates.  It simply turned me down.  He definitely won't enjoy school that good.

Then, the name of 東方工專,came into my mind out of the blue.  When I was with 高苑,I once sub a part-time teacher's class at this school because this teacher gave birth in the middle of the semester.  And I was told that this school 美工科系很棒。 所以我就去搜尋東方工專,才發現已經易名為東方設計學院了。我想著,那他們還會保留五專部嗎?有些學校升格為學院或科大後就停招五專部了,我ㄧ查,五專部還在哪,而且竟然有ㄧ個科系  遊戲與設計   這簡直是  位林瀚量身設計的嘛
我太驚奇了  點進去  該系剛成立  連結只有2~3個網站  期中之ㄧ是LEGO  one of John's favorite websites

In the summer break of 2013, I further contacted the director of this dept.  They invited John and I to attend their 2-day orientation for the new students.  Even though John was still a 9th grader, graduation from junior high would be 1 year later, they still receive us.  When John and I attended this orientation, I found some packages of "Mindstorm" by Lego were there in the cabinet.  John had told me Lego's Mindstorm was his dream toy.  Another sign for me.

I am not quite sure if John could be accepted into this program of this school or not, but I strongly feel the guidance of the Lord has been with us.

Rest all my worries unto the fountain of many blessing.

祂必做我和林瀚引路的  直到死



一個有大樹 & 綠草如茵的                   



我們上路了,在芝加哥入境。長時間的飛行,加上飛機起落時他的耳朵劇痛,瀚兒想到還要再轉機就害怕。我們幾乎考慮要在芝加哥改搭路運交通繼續未竟行程,但最後還是忐忑的再登機。       (照片1)

瀚兒最愛塗鴉了,最後一段航程可以畫的紙已經用盡了,就向機上服務人員要了一些餐巾紙來畫,他畫著一把長劍穿過他自己的頭,顯示他真得非常不舒適,不快樂。                    (照片2)


對高頻聲音敏感的瀚兒在觀看國慶(Independence Day)煙火時,雙手壓著耳朵,嘴裡埋怨說:「煙火太吵了!」         (照片3)


但是,當他站到大樹前,躺在綠草如茵的草地上時,瀚兒完全贊同媽媽對美國這地的描繪好「美」的一個國家喔!       (照片4)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  The  End  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~







過了糖廠後,有ㄧ條我的私房鐵馬祕徑,在我有準時出發,不趕路的情況下我總犒賞自己騎入這一條 path less taken的祕徑。繞過一個正在晨光中慢慢醒來的新社區,騎過顛頗的無人無柵欄的小小平交道,就進入了ㄧ片很不小的樹林,有苦楝樹和一些雜木,樹林裡只有一條小徑,固定會有ㄧ對老夫老妻和兩個老婦人在晨光灑下的綠徑上散著步。我們都會互道著早安,但有ㄧ個老先生可能和我媽媽ㄧ樣重聽得很,他從未回答過我的道安,當然,我還都是ㄧ樣的跟他道聲早。









Getting married at the age of 20

My nephew, Kola, is getting married.

People get married every minute in the world, so I suppose it's nothing too special.

But it's still a very big deal in my family.

Kola is special.  First of all, his parents are from Nigeria and Taiwan.  They met and got married and raised their 2 sons in the States.  And now Kola is going to marry Olivia, a lady from Tamsui, Taiwan.  The wedding will be here in Tamsui, Taiwan.  Kola's father has flown from Nigeria to attend this wedding, his mother from Connecticut and his brother from Ohio (the state where I studies 20 years ago and where my cousin works now).So this is a very international business.

Kola is special also for he's only 20 years and 4 months old.
Kola turned 20 in the past August and he got married on December 14.
Some family members have had mixed feelings about this.

People, including me, have doubts about whether getting married at age 20 is too young.  Kola graduated from high school 2 summers ago and he decided to first came to Taiwan to attend a Bible program with Youth With A Mission.  He met Olivia, his new-wed wife, at the program in Taiwan, who is a native of Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan.  They were engaged on Kola's 20th birthday and got married 4 months later.

As it turned out, the wedding and the reception was  very warm and joyful.  Kola's parents and brother and Kola himself had given mini speeches at the reception.  Very nice talks, touching and full of feelings.  Ola, the father, proposed a silence in the very beginning to remember my deceased Dad.  He then mentioned and thanked each one of my family, Mom, me and the youngest sister, brother-in-law and even Christina (my friend) and Nelson (my student). Ola remembered and mentioned the most exact details--Fuji's handkerchief, Nelson's fried eggs...)And lastly, he thanked the groom's mom, his wife, my elder sister--a magical woman who always brings out the best in each person.  He said his parents came to visit them only once in Connecticut decades ago, but now they still cherish the sweet memories of the time spent with her, the daughter-in-law.  The speech was full of genuine gratitude.  Jennifer (groom's wife) recalled the year of 1999, when the Y2K bug was an issue and Kola, then only 6, was concerned if the bug would attack them, he asked his brother in the back seat.  And now the mom was amazed that this 6-year-old innocent boy was getting married.  She opened and ended up the speech with the same expression--"I love you, Kola!"  It was a little longer than what she intended to make it as Kola demanded--2 minutes.  A great mini speech.  And then Arthur, the big brother, who has been the groom's best brother in life.  Arthur said they learned to do many things when they were young--football throw, skateboard...But now it came to a time the big brother has nothing to offer this younger brother---getting into married, since Arthur, 4 and a half years older, is still single.  Kola said his parents, both being the first generation in the States, worked very hard and which had set a great example for him.

Kola has made a video clip entitled "I love you" with photos of him and Olivia for the past 2 years.  He even composed a song and sang the song.  People from YWAM sang a song for Olivia to Kola "You're the best decision I made".  Both songs were beautiful, for the rich love there.  Olivia was crafted and she decorated the hall and the tables with great paper art works.

Relatives from both the bride and groom's families are not many, but the church was full and the reception was a full house event, too.  Because their other family --YWAM, is big.  I was told that there are about 150 in YWAM, Taipei.  It is a big family of God and they have organized a great wedding and reception.  I feel so amazed and full of fear and gratitude to the good Lord for all YWAM has done.  Kola's home is far, but God has prepared a most wonderful family for Kola and Olivia right here in Taiwan.

Arthur returned to his work the next day after the wedding.  Ola and Jennifer will fly back to Africa and America 2 days later.

The wedding and the reception is over.  But God's glory stays bright.  May it warm and bright up each one of us who managed to be there.


2013年12月10日 星期二


剛入國中那年暑假  多事之秋 轟轟烈烈  他讓多人學期未正式開始就被請到校長室寫悔過書
同學放話要在放學時修理他  他在學校3樓揚言要跳樓自殺     數學及其他學科學習每況愈下   他憂鬱敏感   平均每學期就醫身心科一次

但這2年多來  他開始很清晰準確的表達 &展現他的自己   他也開始小小大大的獨自旅行

獨立  反對  酷酷的怒目相瞪  這些青春期孩子常有的表現  他也都到位了
當媽媽的我  心裡真有深深的感恩和敬畏

越過我的諸多漏洞和錯誤   他畢竟持續成長著   沒長得差誤太多


仰--望  如過往的這11 or 14年


我討厭比賽 但感謝神 今年賞了個特優

In December of 2011, great to my surprise, we got 國小B組特優
In December of 2012, I was the homeroom teacher
This year in December of 2013, we were granted 國小A組特優

But I really don't think we are that good at all.

However, the students have performed their best and the teachers have done our best, too
I guess this is the meaning of it

At the very beginning of the new semester, I told Cherry that I was interested in writing the script, but was not so good at training the students.  She took it into her heart.
So I had put more effort into editing the RT script.

I had not missed any of the training sessions, but had felt great depressed and broke into great yelling at one of the students at the 2nd last training session.

Cherry hanged on till the last minute, thank God.

I was very impressed with the cooperation and team work spirit we have formed with the 3 English teachers, Hanni, Cherry and me.

I dislike competition, but thank God for this great honor and prize.



我騎腳踏車上班  單程10多公里  一段時日了
感謝神  在黑暗轉光明的清晨迎風出發  是很讓 靈魂甦醒的祝福

我不甚愛工作  學校能夠不成為第1站  很讓我歡欣  what a shame and what a blessing!

Church is usually my first stop
I stay for around an hour (6:20~7:10) for reading the Bible (1 chapter daily) and some praying
At the end of this past summer vacation, we read JOSHUA, which gave me strength to face the new semester
Then, it was the dark JUDGES, and then 1 SAMUEL, and now 2 SAMUEL.
Today (Dec. 10, 2013) we read Chapter 9

DAVID ASKED, " Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?"......So David found Mephibosheth.  And David made Mephibosheth lived in jerusalem, and always ate at the king's table.  Mephibosheth was crippled in both feet.

I couldn't help but was so touched and tears kept falling down my cheeks all the praying time

I left church earlier, minutes before 7:00 and paddled all the way to the 2nd stop -- the University Hospital, to share this Bible passage with 杜師母   她正在住院  置換人工膝關節  她的2膝都要置換   she is also crippled in both feet

And I have been crippled for a long time, too

This passage of David and Mephibosheth is so true and real to me
Thank God that He has sent Jesus to find me and has shown such abundant merciful kindness toward me for Jesus's sake

Sometimes, my 2nd stop will be 鄭永和安養中心  去看玉治阿姨(中洲教會婦女團契一個姊妹的母親)
At times, she is not awake when I get to her bed.   But she would always open wide her eyes with great eager at my first song note
If she is awake, I always greet her as  至好朋友就是... and she would always utter with great effort 耶穌
I usually sing about 4 songs and leave for work

Then, I will enter school (my work site) with great contentment.

I simply dislike to get to school directly from home.



美瑩的馬桶椅壞了   汰舊換新   就換個新的吧
在我們尋常的一件小事裡  換到罹患類風濕關節炎40年的美瑩  卻是一個tremendous blessing in disguise

南大特教系曾怡惇教授告訴我  他們系上有位曾明基教授
I then sent an email to him

曾教授  教安

我有一好友  她十多歲就罹患類風濕關節炎  40年下來她的手腳關節都已嚴重變形
目前  她因使用多年的馬桶椅損壞  需添購一個新的馬桶椅時遭遇極大困難
她的家人已經跑過數家大的醫療用品店  發現現在市面上的產品都不適合
有些是座椅或扶手的高度   或深度   或軟墊的因素
導致她的手或elbow  無法用上力  無法使用

替換了數次後  她也上網查了資料  

我結識她多年  深知道她的生活的艱辛  甚至牙刷都要經過改造才能適合她用
前一陣子她換個床墊又是一番大折騰   但都解決了
只是這次的馬桶椅  真的是更大的折騰後  還是找不到

我突然想到貴校特教系輔助科技所   請教了我認識的曾怡惇教授   知道了您的名字
冒昧給您 this email

If it is OK with you, I hope I could get over to your office to present to you the information of my friend's problem.  Maybe you could give her (us) some names of the factories or producers or researchers that might be able to help.

Thank you very much for the trouble. 
 I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. 

Days later, I got the  reply:


因近日較忙 有兩日於台北
現才覆信  敬請見諒

來信已轉寄研究生Mr. Chen 09-------(職能治療師)
他說您可直接與其聯繫較佳 問題點比較容易釐清並解決

若我可在場則再好不過  請順便告知我時間地點等 
若時間允許 將出席之


Mr. Chen's email


Being humble is one character of angels, I believe.

These 2 male angels' gentle and kind and willing and instant help have amazed me so

My reply to them is


我的朋友叫李美瑩   家住安平區  台南市政府附近


我感覺到  這對她會像是今年寒冬裡溫馨的聖誕節禮物喔


我今晚一定會列著嘴入睡的  (Please do pardon me for my excitement)

Today's date is Dec. 10,2013
2 weeks before Christmas Eve

Today's first page news of United Daily News is 
年度代表字  唉! 是 "假"
(遙遙領先第2名的 "黑")
也是歷屆票數最高  差距最大的冠軍

But, this incident of 在別人的需要上看到自己的責任(天使遇見天使)
is so real
Angels are so real in our life

Praise the Lord!

And the below is 美瑩的reply
親愛的朋友 : 平安
也許是這樣才叫 < 弱勢 > 吧
不過所謂 : 生命總會找到出口
我也找到可以如廁的 < 妙招 >
只要先打個電話 06-29-----

Wow, Bravo to this little giant!
