2013年12月10日 星期二


我騎腳踏車上班  單程10多公里  一段時日了
感謝神  在黑暗轉光明的清晨迎風出發  是很讓 靈魂甦醒的祝福

我不甚愛工作  學校能夠不成為第1站  很讓我歡欣  what a shame and what a blessing!

Church is usually my first stop
I stay for around an hour (6:20~7:10) for reading the Bible (1 chapter daily) and some praying
At the end of this past summer vacation, we read JOSHUA, which gave me strength to face the new semester
Then, it was the dark JUDGES, and then 1 SAMUEL, and now 2 SAMUEL.
Today (Dec. 10, 2013) we read Chapter 9

DAVID ASKED, " Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?"......So David found Mephibosheth.  And David made Mephibosheth lived in jerusalem, and always ate at the king's table.  Mephibosheth was crippled in both feet.

I couldn't help but was so touched and tears kept falling down my cheeks all the praying time

I left church earlier, minutes before 7:00 and paddled all the way to the 2nd stop -- the University Hospital, to share this Bible passage with 杜師母   她正在住院  置換人工膝關節  她的2膝都要置換   she is also crippled in both feet

And I have been crippled for a long time, too

This passage of David and Mephibosheth is so true and real to me
Thank God that He has sent Jesus to find me and has shown such abundant merciful kindness toward me for Jesus's sake

Sometimes, my 2nd stop will be 鄭永和安養中心  去看玉治阿姨(中洲教會婦女團契一個姊妹的母親)
At times, she is not awake when I get to her bed.   But she would always open wide her eyes with great eager at my first song note
If she is awake, I always greet her as  至好朋友就是... and she would always utter with great effort 耶穌
I usually sing about 4 songs and leave for work

Then, I will enter school (my work site) with great contentment.

I simply dislike to get to school directly from home.


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