何等豐盛的一個學期 20130707
2013 January ~ June 第二學期101學年 再見三丁
After having had a very hard-working but very
depressing initial semester (三上),in the longest winter break (30 days in total) I
had had an amazing turn. It all started
with a song “當我來讚美” by Sandy ____. 我可以感覺到你就在這裡 看著我高舉雙手大聲讚美你 我可以呼吸到新鮮的空氣 因為你寶座在這裡 奇異恩典臨到我當我來讚美你 用心靈和誠實 將榮耀都歸你 所有重擔都脫落 我重新得力 當我全心全意 讚美你
I got the new CD album from 關渡蘇師母 in
the very beginning of the winter break.
When I played it in my car on my way to the seminar in 台南成功國中,I
was obsessed with this song only. I
played it over and over and kept singing and clapping and raising my hands up
all those 2 or 3 days. My spirit was so filled with the praises and
the amazing experience of all burdens shaking off and being refreshed. A couple of days later when I returned to
Taipei, I gave the CD back to關渡蘇師母and told her that I was done with this new
CD. This song was imprinted in my mind
and I couldn’t help myself singing and humming this very song of mine soul and
This song started this period of time full of His
mercy and grace.
Also I attended 孫國鐸春節聚會at
the Labor’s Center, Tainan. As usual,
Pastor Sun made a very friendly, plain, fundamental talks ( to me , they’re
more like talks then lectures). He
pinpointed a principle: abide in the life, which cleared out the heavy clouds
that had been haunted over me in the past half year. To stay in 中洲教會or
to return back to 台南基督徒聚會,
also how often should I get back to Taipei….
Thank God for this glorious reminding—abiding in
the life. In Christ, there is way of
I returned back to my husband, as often as
possible, at least every other weekend.
John, my son, wouldn’t like to come with me, and I decided not to force
him any more. It has been one year after
God had bid me to return, to the restoration of this marriage that was so poor
and broken.
School started and I came up with several new
people into my classroom and taking the kids out of the classroom.
A. Inviting
People into Class 304: 筱涵,新昌,崇行媽媽,葉王強主任,李宜學主任,鄭怡華,許師母(縫製環保早餐袋),林俐媽媽(柏楊文物館)
B. Taking
Kids out of Class 304: 拜訪春天在校園,社區踏查三大次,數小次(結業式前一天我們又到延平郡王祠裡的鄭成功文物館),水質監測,快樂農場分五組各種三種菜(種子是體育公園高齡菜農相贈的,地是吳主任劃給我們的,接連幾個週末或連續假期都下了雨,原來擔心天氣炎熱,假日的澆水問題都因雨而迎刃而解,感謝神哪),南大喜閱府城老照片展(原本要走到一公里遠的愛國婦人會館,但三年級其他班級想同往,結果展期結束,半個月後又驚喜知道南大邀請他們在離我們約二百公尺遠的南大校園裡參展),川惠老師的字彙課,校長室旁開花的銀樺樹,不倒翁的奇幻旅程電影,海廢監測,電影書院,與作家有約。
We went out of campus almost once every other
And I made food or prepared fruits for kids almost
every other day.
Gradually kids and I have become a genuine
family. Praise the Lord!
兩個亮點: 數學
& 閱讀
29 (Fri) a big teaching demo that served 2 purposes, 1 for this 閱讀亮點,another for the new comers´requirements (for those who joined this school no
more than 5 years, and I happen to be the oldest one on the list). Writing the very first 國語教案in my life was demanding, but interesting most of
the time, till all the comments and critics overwhelmed me in the last
week. Editing and revising, over and
over again. I shed tears in doing the
last version. However, the song 軟弱的我變剛強 helped me in those days of great stress. The teaching demo and discussion time turned
out to be glorious. Praises be to God.
In late May(May
30 週五), there was 數學亮點的期末報告。主題:我是學習者,which
is literally me. 我多次的回饋&檢討也都是以此角度出發,所以當梁老師來邀我出席在台北師大發表會,我就答應了。但參加的同時我也正好再泡疹的肆虐下神經劇痛(不下生產之痛哪),銷假返校後劇痛未得舒緩,就醫,竟然如當晨教會晨更讀到歌羅西書所言 “脫離世俗小學”,請了三天假,第一天遵醫囑在床上睡了一天,第二天(三)把期末社會考試卷弄妥了初稿,下午去參加審題會議後,再修改,再經怡華修過表格,晚上完成了。如果沒有休這個病假,一邊上課,一邊管理孩子,再要完成這份期末考卷實在無法如此細細完成,感謝神哪!
三月中收到阿娣的電郵,告知有學習共同體的研習,我先不以為意的把那封電郵刪掉了,後來一週後又阿娣來來了一信,我就開進去看,那晚是三月十六日 晚上,研習是三月二十七日 (三),但我誤以為是隔日十七日(日),報了名,還邀約了美伊老師一同前往,但竟然由台南開了車到了學甲國小,周日下午一點半,全校只有一人在,總務主任,才弄清楚原來是我弄錯日期了。我就帶了美伊到附近的總爺糖廠走一走,跟她有空多聊了聊,知道神真的把一個教導孩子的愛慕放在她的心裡,只是不曉得還要他在這日漸艱難的教甄路上等候多久。
標籤: With friends, With grace