2012 August ~2013 January
A brain new challenge--being a grade 3 homeroom teacher, teaching all but English at 附小, where profession demands are so high. It was a heart-felt decision but so so so challenging. The week before school started, Mom was hospitalized for a couple of days and I felt far from ready. Day in and day out, week after week, I went through great difficulty in both teaching and classroom management. I managed to give a Mandarin Chinese final exam paper and the sports day in late December was a long-suffering day for me. More than often I complained myself about the decision of becoming a homeroom teacher, and I couldn't help thinking about getting myself out of this puddle.
Every Wednesday noon, Jean and I got together to pray. Once (in December?) she told me about "praising", and introducing this song to me "When I Praise You". It did not work out much to me at that time when I was in great distress and depression.
Then in mid-January, I got this CD of 盛曉玫 from the pastor's wife at Guan-Du. When I played this new CD album the number 5 song "When I Praise You" caught me and I couldn't help but praising Him joyfully. He, my faithful God, has again lifted me up high! The lyrics go "我可以感覺到祢就在這裡 看著我高舉雙手大聲讚美祢 我可以呼吸到聖潔的空氣 因為祢寶座在這裡 奇異恩典臨到我 當我來讚美祢 用心靈和誠實 把榮耀都歸祢 所有重擔都脫落 我重新得力 當我全心全意讚美祢"
標籤: With grace